Monday, February 1, 2010

If you are a startup and thinking about product management, where do you start?

A friend recently called me asking for my thoughts on product management, I shared the following links with him. So, here are my recommended courses/blogs/tweets/books for product managers. This is by no means comprehensive list.

Pragmatic Marketing website:

They offer courses in different cities, would be a good course to check out. A word of caution, following all of Pragmatic Marketing framework for an early stage startup will be a overkill - instead focus on the concepts and the spirit of what they say ( for ex: get out of the building to learn about the market ).

Then, read as much as you can about customer development. It may end up saving you and your company.

Read the following blogs:

Customer Development by Steve Blank:

Lean Startups: ( Eric Ries is a good blogger that covers customer development).

Read this book:

This book is hard to read, but its not because its not well written, its because, almost every section makes you think hard and you will find yourself thinking about the past mistakes - its like going through an Yoga cleanse.

On Twitter ( If you are not already on twitter, please consider a different profession - I hear there is shortage of roofing contractors ):

Follow @sgblank, @ericries and @davemcclure ( and the ones they recommend from time to time ).

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